As a homeowner in Charlotte, you may already be adept at identifying things that can damage or destroy your home. Be it taking precautions against fire, shoring up defenses against...

As a homeowner in Charlotte, you may already be adept at identifying things that can damage or destroy your home. Be it taking precautions against fire, shoring up defenses against ice, excessive rain or other disasters, we protect our home – and by extension our family. However, it is also important that you do your part to prevent those, often unseen, structural disasters such as mold.

Mold is a silent disaster that is damaging to your home as well as your health. It is a tiny fungus that consumes dead matter. This is perfectly fine in the outdoors, but not for your home. When mold begins to grow in a home, it can cause damage to wood, carpets and furnishings. Beyond that, when mold is growing in one’s home, microscopic mold spores float through the air and can cause asthma and other respiratory conditions.

So, what can you do to prevent mold from becoming a problem? A simple solution is proper ventilation.



Ventilation is one of the most important elements of home design -though one that can be easily overlooked. There are a number of approaches you can take to ensure proper ventilation for your Charlotte home.

  1. Fans – By having fans in moisture prone places such as the bathroom and kitchen, as well as whole house fans in the attic you can draw fresh air into a space, while moving old and damp air out.

  2. Dehumidifier – Because mold loves humidity (and we all know about Charlotte and humidity!!), it is wise to have a dehumidifier installed to both dry out air and help circulate it. An area where a dehumidifier is especially effective is the basement. If you aren’t sure what type of dehumidifier is best for your home, be sure to talk a Sherrill Structural Repair Specialist.

  3. Open Windows – Perhaps one of the easiest ways to prevent mold, is to open up the windows on pretty days. By simply opening up windows on either side of your home, fresh air can enter and old, stale air can escape.

  4. Insulate – Prevent moisture collection around pipes or crawl spaces by being sure that there is proper insulation.

  5. Clean and Dry – Clean and repair roof gutters so that moisture doesn’t collect. In addition, be sure to wipe up any moisture that may collect on walls, windows, pipes or other surfaces.

Simply put, the best protection against mold growth is proactivity. Take time to inspect your home, use fans, and clean up any areas where moisture can easily collect. If you feel you are doing your part to minimize mold, but still suspect there is a problem, contact the Sherrill team so we can check common areas for mold growth and then take action to eliminate the problem.